Tuesday, March 14, 2006

La-La Land

Originally uploaded by hattiec2.
So far, so good but I definitely don't have enough a)money, b) plastic surgery or c) hair to live in LA. Last night at Spago (sweetie) there we were living the Jackie Collins dream and there was a table of 10 people with so much botox, implantations and fake shit sliding off their bodies it was like a scene from 'Night of The Living Zombies.' The poor buggers couldn't move their faces even if they wanted too. And the backcombing that must have gone on before those ladies left their house in the hills. Jeez. All good fun, but a proper crazy place. Just saw Thandie Newton in an Excursion by the Beverley Centre. Unfortunately Terrence Howard wasn't driving but fortunately no sign of Matt Dillon.
Wish I was staying here longer to go check out the whole Hyphy thing - E40 and Keek The Sneak haven't been off the TV/ radio since I've been here. Plus there's an E40 album playback here on Wednesday. Next time I guess.

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