Forget Game and Snoop, Perez Hilton is the most Gangsta Gangsta you’ll find in LA.
“Lets be real, I need some cock,” pouts Perez Hilton. “You’d think the site would get me laid but here’s the thing; I’m fat and gays don’t like fat gays. That’s why I hired a trainer, but I haven’t been in LA since the beginning of the year. I’ve been in New York, London, Miami, Atlantic City, Utah…. “
Insert your own ‘what a wanker’ joke here, but whatever your thoughts on Perez Hilton, he’s one busy bitch. Owning and running ‘Hollywood’s Most Hated’ website Perezhilton.com (currently attracting 6.3 unique million hits daily), means the self-professed Gossip Gangster regularly does 18 hour days from various wireless spots around the globe. Luckily for the man born Mario Lavandeira, being Perez Hilton is worth the work. “I embrace Perez because he bought opportunity to my life. He made my life bigger, better, bolder and more beautiful,” he says, fiddling with a strand of bright pink hair. “In a way, the website saved my life.”
After moving to New York from Miami to study acting at NYU, Lavandeira got a gig writing for a low-level gossip rag, which he hated so much he sunk into a deep depression. Luckily, he got fired and began working full-time on his own online portal dedicated to celebrity tittle-tattle. First setting up the site in September 2004, his brand of gossip dot com bought an acerbic wit to the weird and wacky world of celebritydom. Whether commenting on the hotness of Foxy Brown’s mugshot or posting pictures of a newly bald Britney, Perez keeps it all the way real. “I hold myself to a high journalistic standard. I won’t print something if I don’t know it to be true,” he insists seriously. “A lot of magazines print lies week after week, but that to me is stupid, wrong and immoral.” More than just posting thoughts on stories already available, through a combination of contacts, shrewd surfing and knack for blagging into Hollywood’s hottest parties, perezhilton.com breaks stories rather than just reporting them. Being the first with the news of Anna Nicole Smith’s death, scribbling lines of coke under JT’s nose and calling Britney’s latest baby ‘special’ has earned the 28 year-old an army of dedicated fans.
As well as gossip geeks, many of Hollywood’s elite push up the hit counter; but while certain stars like Sienna Miller (or Sluttienna as he dubs her) and his namesake Paris Hilton take it all in good spirit, others like La Lohan and Jennifer ‘Maniston’ haven’t seen the funny side. “I’ve had Tara Reid threaten to throw me in a pool, I’ve had Nicole Ritchie confront me at the coffee shop,” he says referring to Sunset Boulevard’s Coffee Bean, where he spends most of his day working on the WorldWideWeb. “She said, ‘Call me anorexic to my face’, but I was scared cos she had her posse of gays with her and you don’t want to mess with her gays,” he frowns.
When not dodging those he’s slagged off on the site, Perez is holding meetings about his own forthcoming TV show and taking part in numerous interviews across TV and radio. “December 2006 was the best year of my life because I was able to sit back and look back at what I’d accomplished that year,” he decides. “That was the year I made it, made myself. That month, I had a feature in GQ, VH1 asked me to present an award to Paris Hilton and MTV invited me to be a guest at their New Years Eve celebration. I was with all these celebrities and I was like, ‘Wow, I did it. I tricked the world into thinking I’m a celebrity. It worked. I fooled everyone,’” he says exploding into giggles. “My philosophy is, fake it till you make it. I’m totally faking it.” In fact, he decides with a final gleeful laugh, he’s even had us fooled. “I’m not cool enough for i-D – ha, I tricked you! They let a loser into i-D!”
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