Monday, August 13, 2007

B&S (Temporary) RIP

They'll be back bitches, don't you worry about that.

But it was with a heavy heart that I heard the news that the magazine with which I hold much love and affection for is being put on hold. It's a sign of the times I guess, but also perhaps some not-so-great money managing from the new publisher (so sue me, he owes me a coupla hundred not to mention other people around the ONE THOUSAND mark).

When you set up a magazine, you have to take into account that you need realistically enough dough to cover costs for at least six months. It can take months and months for the distributors to actually start sending you the money you've made from selling in the shops, while advertisers, boy, don't get me started. I've heard all manner of threats at RWD towers to plenty of dirks who ignore the 90 day payment rule. Just cos an ad runs in February, don't expect to get your cash from them until April or May. They'll keep that money in their accounts gathering interest till the very last minute possible. This of course creates a catastrophic chain reaction; your average printer isn't trying to hear that you're waiting on his £10,000 cos so-and-so record label ain't stumped up the cash just yet. It trickles down the line; the Editor or staff start getting irregular payments, and the freelancers generally get left empty-handed. I've lost countless thousands over the years from magazines like Sleaze, B&S, X-Ray and um lots more that I can't remember right now.

Anyway, I have a lot of love for B&S and particularly Bobby K. It was he who sent me off on my very second ever trip to interview Missy Elliott in Puerto Rico. Because of that, I was able to get myself into the Guardian newspaper and from there on in, my freelance career was truly born.

So big up Bob and big up B&S - hurry up and get better. We miss you!

(Had to use the Amy cover really seeing as she's just about everywhere in the news right now. All I know is the drugs definitely don't work!)

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