Friday, February 15, 2008


These were my films when I was a young 'un. That bit when the man is whipping his sword round and Indy just whips out his gun and pops him? Genius!

So the new one is nearly upon us. It looks a bit deadout to be honest, judging by the trailer, but I should give it a chance, really. But why do they have to do all that CGI nonsense though? Did they learn nothing from Star Wars? We don't need all that crap nerd-boys, use your imaginations like they did in the '80s, not some unrealistic, dryout computer programme...

Anyway, check the trailer for Indiana Jones And the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull...

And then compare it to Raiders... Comedy, danger, darkness, mystery, great end graphics. Ahh, they just don't make 'em like they used to...

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