Monday, September 15, 2008

In Praise Of Cheryl Cole

You know, I don't care. I think I'm officially a fan of Cheryl Cole.

Before I left to go to Richard Shoyemi's AMAZING birthday party, I watched the X Factor. And I loves her on it this week.

She be gangsta! Oh man, I nearly booed at the end with psycho dude and shit. Actually, I nearly booed about 8 times during it. Think I need to get a life?


LaWeez Hynes said...

I'm thinking of applying for X Factor next year.

Do you think I should go for the dead parent story, or should I just rock up in a wheelchair?

hattie collins said...

better if you were actually dead yourself, tragically cut down in the prime of your life blah blah, but still certain you have that x-factor, honest simon, music is my life etc. well, was...