Tuesday, November 18, 2008

14 Hours In The World Of Wayne

16.00 This is palm trees and the sun. He doesn't see a lot of either of these, I don't think.

20.00 Very, very exclusive hotel in Miami, where we're scheduled to meet Wayne 'sometime between 8pm and 1am.'

01.30 Waynos throws a spanner in the works. He hasn't slept in two days and has decided to take a nap until now. Arse. We're told to leave the hotel and head to the studio, where he will be in about an hour or two.

03.00 We arrive at the Hit Factory. Baby and a few others shuffle around, buying sweets from the vending machine.

03.15 Wayne is locked inside the studio listening to Da Carter 4/ Da Carter III remixed (title TBC) with Cool & Dre...

04.00 They've made a lot of hit records at this place. kill time by counting the plaques. In order to stay awake, I mentally alphabetise the plaques in order. Why? F knows.

04.25 Wayne's lovely chauffeur, a man who has driven everyone from Stevie Wonder to Aretha Franklin helps us kill time by telling us amusing tales from days of old.

04.55. Just as I decide I could care less if Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe and the Beatles are about to step into the room, Cool & Dre leave the studio - OMG Wayne is coming!!!

We talk for over an hour. Wayne is polite, funny, engaging and generally ace. I hearts him once again and forgive him for making me wait 10 HOURS!!!!!

06.15 Interview done!

06.38Dawn rises over the Hit Factory. A cab is called

06.59 On the other side of this window people, MAGIC IS BEING MADE!! The sound of Carter 4 blasts out. Preview of which later... but it's A LOT!!!

Wayne's Mayback bitches

07.46 My bed is finally a sweet, sweet reality. Somewhere a 30 minute drive away, a lil man with dreds is awake, making more hits, smoking more week and sipping more sizzurp. You gotta love the lil fella, eh!


Anonymous said...

U gotta Love MS collins - OCD n all - (alphabetising teh plaques.. lol)

ACE write up


Semothy Jones said...

i want to touch you, get some of that hit factory jujuads