PILL - GLASS from zachwolfe.com/live on Vimeo.
Great video directed by an amazing photographer, my boy Zach Wolfe.
Allow me to let the man himself explain the video:
A couple months ago I shot a video in the Historic 4th Ward Neighborhood of Atlanta for a new artist named PILL. The track is titled: Glass. Produced by The BeatChefs. It’s safe to say in this video we kept it REAL! All handheld and no script and no plan except to film in the grimey areas PILL grew up in. Fellow Atlanta film Makers Motion Family did a video for PILL before me in the same area with different results. They shot in vibrant color and I did a Gritty Black & White treatment to offset their video. At the end of the day Atlanta has 2 videos that show a side of Atlanta mostly forgotten. We need more of this in this in our lives, say a reality check. There are many areas in Atlanta and most Urban Populations where people have been left to Die, sounds harsh but if you want to roll with me one day I will SHOW YOU! Derek Schklar & I are on a mission to show a different style of Rapper in PILL and a different take on Atlanta RAP. PILL is a cool cat and I had a great time filming this. Be on the lookout for PILL’S new mixtape 4075 The Refill coming in October. And you know I have to give credit to my boy Sumner Demoura for coming through once again with the Bomb Editing Skills. Ohh and did I forget to mention this video right here premiered on MTV JAMS! WE ARE MAKING POWER MOVES OVER HERE! Please take a couple minutes out of your day and enjoy some Realness!
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