Monday, November 23, 2009

Kelis: Acapella

The ex Mrs Jones is back and I think it's a banger. Well, I thought it was maybe but then I found out it was produced by David Guetta and it well put me off.

What do you think?

Here's a message from the woman herself from her site I Am Kelis:

Well, walking through the streets of New York this Summer... I use the term walking loosely.. i was extremely pregnant and probably doing more of a slow creep down each humid sticky block... people had so much to say to me. You know us New Yorkers don't ever keep anything to our selves... I was asked if I would ever put another album out. I suppose people assumed after the baby and the divorce and all the time I took off (went to culinary school during my break which was amazing and another conversation) that it would be onto motherhood for me. And well that's true... as I lay here with my perfect little won ton right now writing you all this message. My answer was always the same ("Soon come guys";) and so here we are. My album is pretty much done. I signed a new deal and I'm madly in love with life and ready to share something with you. My song is called "Acapella" and I wrote it with love and life in mind. I hope that it finds you well and that you love it cause I honestly do! Muah!

- Kelis

P.S. to all the people who have stuck around and supported me all these years do know that i sincerely feel you and love you! We did all this together. Live well xoxo

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