Who-d a thunk it? Well the Internets obviously, with rumblings of this broiling rap beef making the rounds for more than a minute. Jimmy stayed strangely silent as Cam and Curtis went at it, and is said to be not so impressed that Cam took a Tru Life lick to the nose, without getting one back in. Calling up his old friend Miss Info this weekend, Jimmy said he's putting Cam on punishment (no S&M, obviously). Another crazy rumour is Jim is set to join Dre at Aftermath - which makes it all add up really. You can't be seen to upset the Good Doc's No 1 Seller, after all, right?
Here's the details from Miss Info herself:
wow…..I have no words….well I have words, but I’m stunned. Just got off the phone with Jim Jones… Jim told me, “on the record,” that he and the whole rest of the Diplomats crew, or the Dipset 300 as he put it….that they are collectively “putting Cam’ron on punishment.” In effect, Jimmy says they are ex-communicating Cam’ron from the rest of Dipset.
Just marinate on that for a moment.
Jimmy says that it has a lot to do with this past week’s alleged incident in which Tru Life allegedly punched Cam’ron outside of Club Stereo with no repercussions. Cam’s camp has denied this happened. Jim says that he blames Cam’s manager Big Joe, who was with Cam at the time. And he even insinuated that Big Joe set up Cam.
“Me and Cam’ron haven't spoken to each other in a year….There are so many times that dude did me and Juelz dirty. But I kept quiet out of loyalty, I felt like if we
cant be friends then at least we can do business together….But now I can’t be next to you….I’m threw wit being in hot water because of you….we got to put Cam on punishment for a while. Now you’re the black sheep….We still the Diplomats. We worked too hard to achieve our own success and now we’re gonna have to do something new….”
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